Astronomy, space travel, Tolkien's Middle Earth, Terry Pratchett's Discworld, quizzing, writing, reading, model making, photography, aircraft, programming, website building, allotments, Formula One, any sport where the competitors wear crash helmets, old radio shows, learning guitar and ukulele, beer, UFOs (mainly as a sceptic but I'm willing to be proved wrong, by hard evidence, not obviously faked videos on YouTube), English Folk music, fixing various types of machinery, and Victoria Coren Mitchell (would-be blackmailers please note, my wife is well aware of my attraction to Victoria, so don't bother)

Victoria Coren Mitchell
A few of the many things that irritate me:-
Conspiracy theories, reality TV shows, soap operas, people who constantly phone me up claiming my computer is sending out viruses from my IP address, but can't even tell me my own bloody IP address for 'Security Reasons', con artists (see previous item), spam, people who spout bulls**t, to me, about things they obviously know nothing about, but I do, and Russell Brand. Especially Russell Brand!